Jan 27, 2023

Cast Iron Chicken

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Cast Iron Chicken is an easy dinner recipe you can cook up quickly at home. Full of protein, made with simple ingredients, and loaded with that comfort food taste. Pair with your favorite sides for a complete meal.

cast iron chicken in skillet close up

The fun part about cooking chicken is that it’s versatile and takes on so many flavors easily. The hard part about cooking chicken is trying to narrow it down to how you want it cooked.

The good news is that cooking chicken in a cast iron skillet is actually a pretty simple process. The hot temperatures hold really well in the cast iron, so the even cooking of the chicken creates the perfect crust. It’s a delicate balance of crispy chicken skin paired with tender and juicy chicken meat – and it’s really quite easy to make.

Since you just need a few ingredients to make cast iron skillet chicken thighs, this is one simple recipe that gives you a delicious meal with minimal prep time. Perfect for busy weeknights or weekends at home.

Speaking of delicious chicken dinners, check out this Smoked Whole Chicken. This is another cooking method for chicken that results in so much flavor.

cast iron chicken on plate with vegetables and potatoes


Avocado oil – Perfect for cooking the chicken and adding a healthy fat. Avocado oil has a high heat point, making it excellent for cast iron cooking.

Chicken thighs bone in, skin in – Make sure that you have the chicken skin left on. This is key for browning and texture.

Salt – To taste.

Pepper – To taste.

plate with raw thighs

How to make Cast Iron Chicken

Step One: Heat the oil in the cast iron skillet on medium heat.

Step Two: Season the chicken. We kept it simple with salt and pepper but you can add other spices and herbs if you’d like. It is best to season the skin lightly so it crisps and doesn’t burn. You can season the bottom more.


Step Three: Put the chicken into the skillet, skin side down. Cook the chicken over medium high heat for 7-8 minutes without moving it. You want it to get browned and crisp.

Step Four: Flip and repeat.

chicken in cast iron skillet

Step Five: Cook until the chicken reaches an internal temperature of 160 degrees and the juices run clear. Be sure to check using a meat thermometer.

cast iron chicken in skillet


Add other seasonings – Using salt and pepper keeps it pretty simple, but you can always flavor with more. Adding rosemary, thyme, garlic powder, and other fresh herbs and spices make this recipe taste new every time. You can even create your own spice mixture to pat onto the chicken. (I like to add butter sometimes as well)

Use olive oil – I love using avocado oil, but olive oil and coconut oil would work as well.

Use different cuts of chicken – Making cast iron chicken breasts sounds like a pretty great recipe, too. You’d just need to season chicken breasts and cook the same way.

close up cast iron chicken on dinner plate with vegetables and potatoes

Common Questions

How do I sear chicken without tearing the skin off in the pan?

The cooking time and the heat are important to make perfectly seared chicken. Make sure that the large cast-iron skillet is nice and hot before adding the chicken.

If you add the chicken too soon to the stovetop skillet and then try and flip it, it might stick and tear off the skin. You also don’t want to flip the chicken until the cooking time has passed and you notice the skin turning brown.

Can I make this chicken recipe in the oven?

You can, but it’s not going to have the same crispiness to it unless you preheat the cast iron pan in the oven first. Baking the chicken in the oven shows how versatile chicken recipes can be, but it’s going to result in a slightly different texture.

What side dishes pair well with chicken recipes?

Any side dish pairs well with chicken! You can add a nice side salad, pair it with grilled veggies, or add some freshly chopped broccoli and cauliflower.

Potatoes are a great side dish as well. If you’re eating gluten-free, any of these side dishes is perfect. So many options.

cast iron chicken on plate with vegetables and potatoes with table set behind

Can I make this with chicken breasts?

Yes. For a cast-iron skillet chicken breast recipe choice bone-in skin-on breasts and watch the internal temperature closely. They are easier to overcook than thighs. I prefer bone-in skin-on breasts in this recipe instead of boneless skinless chicken breasts.

How do I store leftover chicken?

Once you remove the chicken from the cast iron pan, let it cool down before storing it. Add the leftovers to an airtight container and keep them stored in the fridge. Eat within 2 days for the best flavor.

Reheat in the oven or on the stove top. Reheat until the internal temperature reaches 165 degrees. When you’re checking the temperature, be sure that you’re checking the thick part of the chicken, and staying away from any bone as that will give a false reading, higher than what the chicken actually is.

Or you can use up leftover chicken in this Chorizo and Chicken Risotto recipe.

close up of cast iron chicken on plate with vegetables and potatoes

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cast iron chicken in skillet close up


Cast Iron Chicken

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Cast Iron Chicken is an easy dinner recipe you can cook up quickly at home. Full of protein, simple ingredients, & loaded with taste.
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 18 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Servings 4
Calories 347.7kcal
Author Paul & Taryn


  • 1 tablespoon avocado oil
  • 4 chicken thighs bone-in skin-on
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon pepper


  • Heat the oil in a large cast iron skillet over medium heat.
  • Season the chicken with salt and pepper.
  • Place into the skillet skin side down. Cook without moving the chicken for 7-8 minutes until the skin gets browned and crisp.
  • Flip the chicken.
  • Cook until the chicken reaches 160 on an internal thermometer.


Calories: 347.7kcal | Carbohydrates: 0.4g | Protein: 23.5g | Fat: 27.5g | Saturated Fat: 6.9g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 5.5g | Monounsaturated Fat: 12.4g | Trans Fat: 0.1g | Cholesterol: 141.6mg | Sodium: 402mg | Potassium: 297.9mg | Fiber: 0.03g | Vitamin A: 113.4IU | Calcium: 12.3mg | Iron: 1mg

The post Cast Iron Chicken appeared first on A Grill for All Seasons.


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Article Categories:
Food, Cooking + Recipes

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