Mar 15, 2023

Traeger Flat Iron Steak

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Add some smoky flavor to your steak with this Traeger flat iron steak recipe. Discover how to make the perfect steak every time with this easy to follow guide.

traeger flat iron steak on a plate with a biscuit and vegetables

I always feel there are two ways to cook a steak. You can either season it with just a little salt and pepper, or you can attack it with a ton of other flavors through a rub or a sauce. In this recipe, I kick up the flavor combo and give it some of my favorite seasonings that I enjoy with beef.

traeger flat iron steak cut in half and stacked on a plate with a biscuit and vegetables

What is a Flat Iron Steak?

Flat Iron steak can also be called by other names. It is from the shoulder blade of the animal and can also be called a top blade steak. It is a tender cut of steak that has a decent amount of marbling, little connective tissue, and is packed full of flavor. Flat Iron steaks are juicy steaks. You don’t need to cook this too much. I like to serve this cut of beef medium rare. Flat Iron steak has a wide variety of applications. Here we are going to give it some classically delicious BBQ seasoning flavors and serve it as part of a hearty meal. A classic meat and potatoes presentation.

ingredients on cutting board

Ingredients for Traeger Flat Iron Steak

Flat Iron Steak – I get these steaks regularly in my Butcher Box. They come in 6 oz portions. They have a rectangular shape to them. I serve them one steak per person. You typically don’t need to trim them at all. You might have to remove just a little silver skin. After you remove them from the packaging and do any trimming, be sure to dry them off with paper towels.

Spice Rub – I use my favorite combo here of garlic powder, onion powder, smoked paprika, kosher salt, and black pepper. Equal parts of the first four ingredients, and half a part of black pepper. Just combine these ingredients in a small bowl and stir them until thoroughly mixed.

Horseradish Mayo – Typically we’ll see a lot of BBQ with yellow mustard being used to coat and hold that rub onto the meat. I love horseradish mayo with beef and will typically use that as my rub glue, when I am smoking beef. If you don’t have horseradish mayo, you can use regular mayo or yellow mustard.

horseradish mayo covering piece of meat

Instructions for Making Traeger Flat Iron Steak

Step One – First thing is to coat the steaks with horseradish mayo. Then generously sprinkle the dry rub all over all sides of the steak.

dry rub on meat

Step Two – Place the steaks into your preheated Traeger smoker or whatever pellet grill you have. Put the steak directly onto the grill grate. Smoke for about 45 minutes at 225°F or until the internal temperature reaches 130°F. I love cooking this steak at a low temperature until it is done in the traeger grill. The smoke, the horseradish mayo, and the rub give it a nice crust that you don’t totally need to reverse sear this one.

flat iron on pellet grill

An alternative way to finish the steak

Several times when I smoke steaks, I will opt to reverse sear them to get a good final sear on the steak. If you would like to do that, once you put the steak on the grill, start to heat up the reverse searing option you want to use. You can go with a hot skillet, like a cast iron pan, or you can go with the grill or even the broiler. The important thing for whatever reverse sear method you are using is to have preheated, high temperature source for a good sear. If it isn’t hot enough, it will not sear the steak, it will just overcook it.

To reverse sear, take the beef off the smoker when it is at least 10 degrees away from your final desired doneness. For instance, if you want it medium rare(130°F internal temp) remove it from the smoker at 120°F. The reverse sear process will bring it the final 10 degrees. Place steak on a preheated hot grill, or cast iron skillet. Sear each side of the steak for about 75 seconds. Let the steak rest for 5 minutes, then slice and serve.

flat iron steak on traeger pellet grill

Step Three – Once the beef is done, transfer steaks to a cutting board and allow them to rest for five minutes. Then slice and serve.

traeger steak on cutting board

Serve your Traeger Flat Iron steak with Blackstone Potatoes and Cast Iron Biscuits. Another great recipe to serve with your Flat Iron Steak is Traeger Potatoes or Smoked Mac and Cheese. For dessert add Smoked Pineapple or a perfectly Smoked Cheesecake.

Serve it with a dry red wine, or your favorite cocktail, or try one of ours. A Blue Colada is perfect for a warm summer evening or try an elegant Rosemary Gimlet for a more intimate affair.

You can use a flat iron steak to make beef fajitas. Replace the BBQ rub with fajita seasoning and add a large sweet onion, some whole bell peppers, or other fresh vegetables to the grill for an absolutely delish dish.

Here are a few other Traeger Recipe favorites:

Traeger Filet Mignon, Traeger New York Strip, Treager Turkey, Traeger Beef Brisket, Traeger Corned Beef, Traeger Pork Loin, Traeger Pork Chops, Traeger Pulled Pork, and Traeger Tri Tip.

close up of traeger flat iron steak cut in half and stacked on a plate with a biscuit and vegetables

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flat iron steak on traeger grill


Traeger Flat Iron Steak

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Add some smoky flavor to your steak with this Traeger flat iron steak recipe. Make the perfect steak every time with this easy guide!
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Rest 3 minutes
Total Time 53 minutes
Servings 2
Calories 377.2kcal
Author Paul


  • Smoker


  • 12 oz flat iron steak
  • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • ½ teaspoon black pepper
  • 2 tablespoon horseradish mayo


  • Remove the steak from the packaging. Dry with a paper towel and remove any excess fat or silver skin.
  • In a small bowl, combine dry seasoning into a rub.
  • Coat all sides of the steak with horseradish mayo, then liberally sprinkle the dry rub seasoning on all sides of the steak. Make sure all sides are evenly coated.
  • Place steaks into preheated Traeger Smoker and smoke at 225°F for about 45 minutes or until the steaks reach an internal temperature of 130°F. Or whatever your desired doneness is.
  • Remove from the smoker and allow the steaks to rest for 5 minutes. Then slice and serve them.


Calories: 377.2kcal | Carbohydrates: 4.6g | Protein: 32.8g | Fat: 23.7g | Saturated Fat: 7.7g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.9g | Monounsaturated Fat: 7.1g | Trans Fat: 0.6g | Cholesterol: 116.9mg | Sodium: 1421.7mg | Potassium: 583mg | Fiber: 0.8g | Sugar: 0.2g | Vitamin A: 495.3IU | Vitamin C: 0.3mg | Calcium: 20.5mg | Iron: 4.4mg

The post Traeger Flat Iron Steak appeared first on A Grill for All Seasons.


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Food, Cooking + Recipes

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