Mar 20, 2023

Boursin Pasta

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This Boursin Pasta recipe is fast, delicious, and loaded with cheese. If you’re looking for an easy weeknight dinner, this is the one.

overhead close up shot of boursin pasta in white bowl

What I enjoy about this Boursin cheese pasta is that it takes just five simple ingredients to make. Adding the slices of grilled chicken gives the dish texture, protein, and flavor. Plus, using the grill is what makes this recipe half the fun for me to make. And is TikTok famous for a social media recipe.

If you’ve never tried to make a recipe based on something going viral online, it’s actually a lot of fun. There are so many ways and options that you can spin the recipe and ingredients to make it something really enjoyable for the whole family to eat.

Below is my version of this pasta dish, and I think it’s a house favorite. The texture of the pasta paired with the creamy cheese had everyone coming back for more Boursin Pasta.

If you’re a pasta fan, be sure to check out my Red Pesto Pasta for another amazingly simple main entree. All that you need is a little bit of time, and you’ll have comfort food on the table, ready to enjoy.

bousin pasta on small plate


Rigatoni – A great pasta to use because it holds its shape during the cooking process.

Boursin cheese – This cheese is very similar to cream cheese in terms of texture. It is a soft cheese flavored with garlic and herbs. It melts easily creating a creamy sauce.

Sundried tomatoes – Adds flavor and texture. If you prefer, you can add halved cherry tomatoes.

Fresh spinach – The spinach adds a nice pop of color. Fresh basil is another great choice.

Grilled chicken – You can grill your own chicken or buy strips of chicken already grilled and cooked at the store. Up to you.


How to make Boursin Pasta

Get ready to see how simple and easy cooking can be.

Step One: Cook the pasta in a large pot. You can really use any variety of pasta but we like to use rigatoni. Drain the water and return the pasta to the hot pot

boursin cheese on top of cooked pasta

Step Two: Add the boursin cheese. The residual heat from the pasta will cause it to melt. Stir until it is completely melted.

wooden spoon mixing in the cheese

Step Three: Add the remaining ingredients and mix well.

spinach and tomatoes added to pot

Step Four: Season to taste with salt and black pepper. Serve.

pot with ingredients added


Add different types of cheese – You can add Parmesan cheese, Gournay cheese, herbed cream cheese, or even a block of feta cheese to this dish. Any type of cheese mixture will work just fine.

Add seasonings – If you want more garlic flavor, add fresh garlic. You can also add chili flakes (or red pepper flakes) to give this dish a bit of spice. Fresh herbs like fresh chives and basil are great additions. Italian seasoning would also be a great addition, too.

More sauce – If you’d like a saucier boursin pasta sauce you can add ¼ cup of heavy cream and ¼ cup of the pasta water or chicken broth.

bowl of boursin pasta on top of a wooden platter

Common Questions

How do I know when the chicken breasts are done cooking?

Delicious recipes like this are easy to make! Once you cook the chicken, you need to check the internal temperature with a meat thermometer. For the chicken to be done cooking and ready to eat, it needs to be at least 165 degrees.

How do I serve this easy pasta recipe?

Once you have the cooked pasta, it’s all about serving it up! You can top it with more sun-dried tomatoes, and then add the creamy Boursin pasta to a plate or a bowl. If you need more Boursin sauce, get some out of the casserole dish and drizzle it on top.

You can also squeeze a bit of fresh lemon juice on top as well! Easy dinners like this are best paired with a small green salad since the pasta dish is the star of the show.

As an optional topping, you can add caramelized onion or some sweet onion right on top.

This TikTok pasta is so versatile in how you can cook and serve it!

bousin pasta in serving bowl with serving on small plate

How do I know that the pasta is done cooking all the way?

The texture of the pasta should be al dente. Once you cook pasta a few times for this recipe, you’ll know the perfect texture and it won’t be an issue. It’s a great idea to taste the pasta if possible before eating it, so if you can grab a noodle and let it cool carefully, take a bite and make sure that it’s the texture that you want.

How do I store leftovers of this pasta dish?

The leftovers of this recipe are the best! Having a recipe that provides dinner for a few nights is one of the reasons that I love making boursin pasta.

Be sure to let the mixture cool down, and then add any leftovers to an airtight container. Then, once stored inside, place the container in the fridge. It’s best to eat the leftovers within 2 days.

You can reheat it on low heat in the oven or on the stovetop. Make sure to stir with a wooden spoon so that the creamy pasta recipe gets heated all the way through. You can also add some extra fine herbs cheese or garlic cheese on top in small bite-size pieces for an extra burst of flavor.

bite of rigatoni on a fork

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close up of boursin pasta in serving bowl


Boursin Pasta

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This Boursin Pasta recipe is fast, delicious, and loaded with cheese. If you’re looking for an easy weeknight dinner, this is the one. 
Course Main Course, Side Dish
Cuisine American
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes
Servings 4
Calories 472.6kcal
Author Paul & Taryn


  • 8 oz rigatoni
  • 5.2 oz boursin cheese
  • ¼ cup sundried tomatoes in oil drained and chopped
  • ¼ cup fresh spinach chopped
  • 8 oz grilled chicken sliced


  • Cook the pasta in a large pot. You can really use any variety of pasta but we like to use rigatoni. Drain the water and return the pasta to the hot pot
  • Add the bousin cheese. The residual heat from the pasta will cause it to melt. Stir until it is completely melted.
  • Add the remaining ingredients. Season to taste. Serve.


Calories: 472.6kcal | Carbohydrates: 45.3g | Protein: 24.5g | Fat: 20.8g | Saturated Fat: 11.5g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1.3g | Monounsaturated Fat: 2.1g | Cholesterol: 80.6mg | Sodium: 294.4mg | Potassium: 374.3mg | Fiber: 2.3g | Sugar: 2.8g | Vitamin A: 668.6IU | Vitamin C: 7.5mg | Calcium: 49.2mg | Iron: 1.7mg

The post Boursin Pasta appeared first on A Grill for All Seasons.


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Article Categories:
Food, Cooking + Recipes

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