Apr 28, 2023

Air Fryer Swordfish

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Air Fryer Swordfish is a delicious meal that can be cooked quickly & easily. This swordfish recipe comes out perfectly every time! Simple recipes like this need simple ingredients, resulting in maximum taste and flavor. This is one of the best ways to cook swordfish steaks.

air fryer swordfish on top of orzo

If this is the first time that you’re giving a swordfish recipe a try, you’re going to love the ease. I used to think that cooking a high-protein fish like this was difficult to do, but it’s really not at all. While you don’t want to overcook swordfish meat, the meaty texture is quite forgiving as long as you’re paying attention to the directions and steps below. Plus – using the air fryer is a breeze! Once you cook fish that tastes this good, you’re going to be hooked.

Since swordfish is such a meaty fish, it’s a great way to have a hearty meal quickly. The key is to use fresh swordfish so that you have the best flavor and taste. You can serve this for a quick weeknight dinner at home or wow your friends and have it at your next dinner party.

Be sure to check out my recipe for Smoked Swordfish for another easy cooking method for swordfish. You can’t go wrong.

bite of fish on a fork


Swordfish fillets – I like to use fresh fillets for the best flavor.

Salt & Black Pepper – Kosher salt works well and black pepper adds just a hint of spice to enhance the flavor of the fish.

Oil – You can use extra-virgin olive oil or avocado oil for this recipe. Coconut oil will work as well but will add a hint of coconut taste.

ingredients in small bowls and on cutting board

How to cook this Air Fryer Swordfish Steak

It is easier to air fry swordfish than you may think. Here are our easy instructions:

Step One: Start by patting the swordfish dry using a paper towel.

Step Two: Once the swordfish is dry, add the olive oil and spices on top.

sword fish on cutting board

Step Three: Place the fillet in the air fryer basket and cook for 6 minutes. We use a temperature probe and keep it in the fish while it cooks. You are looking for an internal temp of 140.

fish in air fryer

Expert Tip: You don’t need to flip the steak during the cooking process but do keep an eye on it so that it’s not overcooked.

swordfish in air fryer


Use different seasonings – One easy way to change the taste of this recipe is to add different herbs and seasonings. Garlic powder is a good addition, or you can even make and use a swordfish marinade as well. Cayenne pepper is also great to add for heat and spice. Italian seasoning is a great mixture to pair with the fish.

Add a citrus taste – Putting a little bit of lemon zest on top of the cooked swordfish is a great way to add a burst of flavor. You can also squeeze fresh lemon juice on top as well before serving. Or serve with a side of mango salsa.

orzo plated with fish

Common Questions

Can I use frozen swordfish fillets?

Technically, you can, but I do think that there is a difference in the outcome of the flavor and taste. Fresh swordfish has a better overall texture, and it’s just easy to cook right when you want to.

When you try and use frozen, that means that you have to plan ahead, let it thaw, and then make sure that it doesn’t expel a ton of extra liquid during the cooking process, which it will. Out of all the times that I’ve made this dish, I find that fresh fillets just work better overall.

What side dish options pair well with cooked swordfish?

The great thing about making this easy dish is that you have so many side dish choices! You can pair it with green beans, sweet potatoes, or mashed potatoes, or put it right on top of a freshly cooked Lemon Orzo with Spinach pasta recipe, too!

Swordfish can be a main meal on its own, or it can be used as an accompaniment to pasta dishes easily. The most important part is that you cook the dish, and then figure out how you want to pair this air fryer swordfish later.

At what temperature is swordfish fully cooked?

​It’s super important to make sure that the swordfish is fully cooked before eating. Using a meat thermometer is the best way to check the internal temperature so that it’s accurate.

After the swordfish is done cooking in the air fryer, put the tongs of the meat thermometer inside the thickest part of the fish. The reading should be at least 145 degrees, indicating that the swordfish is cooked and ready to eat. If the reading is that high, you can add it back to the air fryer for a couple more minutes, or even sear it quickly in a cast iron skillet.

close up of the air fryer swordfish

Try some of our other easy air fryer recipes. Some of our favorites are Rack of Lamb, BBQ chicken, Stuffed Pork Chops, and Cornish Hen.

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swordfish plated on orzo


Air Fryer Swordfish

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Air Fryer Swordfish is a delicious meal that can be cooked quickly & easily. This swordfish recipe comes out perfectly every time!
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 6 minutes
Total Time 8 minutes
Servings 2
Calories 307.7kcal
Author Paul & Taryn


  • Air Fryer


  • 12 oz swordfish steak two six ounce poritons
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon black pepper
  • ½ teaspoon lemon juice


  • Remove swordfish steaks from the packaging and dry them with a paper towel. Coat all sides with olive oil, then thoroughly season with salt and pepper.
  • Place swordfish into an air fryer and cook at 400℉ for six minutes. If you have a meat thermometer that you can have inserted into the fish as it cooks, that is best. Cook the swordfish until the internal temperature reaches 140℉.
  • Once the fish is done. Remove it from the air fryer and serve. Finish it with a dash of freshly squeezed lemon juice.


Calories: 307.7kcal | Carbohydrates: 0.2g | Protein: 33.5g | Fat: 18.3g | Saturated Fat: 3.7g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 2.7g | Monounsaturated Fat: 10.2g | Trans Fat: 0.1g | Cholesterol: 112.3mg | Sodium: 719.4mg | Potassium: 715.8mg | Fiber: 0.1g | Sugar: 0.03g | Vitamin A: 205.6IU | Vitamin C: 0.5mg | Calcium: 10.1mg | Iron: 0.7mg

The post Air Fryer Swordfish appeared first on A Grill for All Seasons.


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Article Categories:
Food, Cooking + Recipes

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