May 3, 2023

Bacon Wrapped Cod

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Need a simple recipe to use those cod fillets? Check out the ease of this Bacon Wrapped Cod. It’s one of the best ways to cook white fish and pair it with salty bacon. This will give a whole new cooking life to this piece of fish!

grilled bacon wrapped cod appetizers plated

The fun part about making this bacon-wrapped cod is that it’s really quick and simple to do. Because sometimes, fish recipes can get overly complicated, leaving a mess and even less of a desire to actually eat them. Instead of dealing with everything that you have to when it comes to a fish fillet, instead let the slices of bacon be your guide. Once the bacon slices are wrapped around the cod steaks, that’s literally all that you have to do before cooking them. Simple and easy, right?

I like to do a combination of grilling and smoking for this cod fish recipe because I enjoy the flavors that it adds. Plus, the bacon wraps just take on a whole new taste once I use a couple of different cooking methods. I’ll even use this as a sort of meal prepping time and smoke a few extra pieces of bacon during the cooking process, too.

When you’re in the mood for more bacon recipes, be sure to check out my Bacon Wrapped Salmon as well. This is another great way to cook fish with minimal effect and maximum flavor.

cod bites on plate after smoked


Cod fish – You can buy this prepped and ready to cook from the grocery store. This will save time.

Bacon – Choose your favorite cut, style, and flavor of bacon.

Black pepper – For taste.

cod, bacon, and tooth pics on cutting board

​How to make Bacon Wrapped Cod

Step One: Preheat the smoker to 225 degrees.

Step Two: Cut the cod into 8-10 cubes about ½ inch in size.

wrapping cod with bacon

Step Three: Wrap each cube with half a strip of bacon and hold in place with a toothpick.

Step Four: Season with pepper.

bacon wrapped cod with seasoning before cooked

Step Five: Smoke for 20 minutes. This is enough to give the cod a nice, smoky flavor.

fish in traeger smoker

Step Six: Preheat the grill to high heat. Turn off one burner.

cod in smoker

Step Seven: Move the smoked cod to the burner that is off and grill. The reason for this is so that the bacon drippings don’t light the grill on fire.

Bacon wrapped cod cooking on grill


Add citrus – If you want a pop of flavor, you can squeeze some lemon juice or lemon zest on top of the cod before eating it. You can also serve this recipe with lemon wedges so that everyone can squeeze their own lemon flavoring on top if they choose to.

Add soy sauce – Adding soy sauce is a super fun and easy way to add flavor. You can add a bit after you wrap bacon around the piece of fish. You can also add it on top of the fish as you’re serving it.

Herbs – You can add a bit of fresh chopped herbs, such as thyme leaves, to the cod before wrapping in bacon.

bacon wrapped cod bites on plate

Common Questions

Can I cook cod in the oven?

You can, but I really prefer the flavor of the smoker and the grill for this! If you do cook it in the oven, make sure that you put it into a preheated oven and have the pieces on a baking sheet. You’ll want to make sure that you cook the cod loin and the bacon all the way through before serving.

I would still recommend that after you’ve cooked it in the oven, you cook it on the grill for a short time to make sure that it’s entirely cooked. Depending on the thickness of the fish, this is just a safe move to make and a way to make sure that it’s not undercooked.

​How do I eat cod wrapped in bacon?

Since the bacon makes them nice and handy to pick up and pop in your mouth, that’s one of my favorite ways to eat this dish. Just be sure to remove the toothpick before eating!

You can also serve this simple recipe with a small bowl of simple lemon mayonnaise for dipping as well. Adding a nice pile of asparagus as a side dish is a great way to really balance out the flavor of this dish.

Lastly, don’t forget to sprinkle a little bit of balsamic vinegar on top of the piece of cod before eating it because it’s a great flavor enhancer with a kick.

bacon wrapped cod bites on plate with zucchini and mashed potatoes

How do I reheat leftovers?

If you have leftovers, be sure to let them cool down all the way and then store them in an airtight container. Keep the leftovers in the fridge and plan on reheating and eating within 1 day.

You can warm them up in the microwave or even on the stove top in a skillet on medium heat. The oven will work as well but will be a longer warming method than the other two options.

cod being held above plate

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Bacon wrapped cod appetizers on dish


Bacon Wrapped Cod

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Need a simple recipe to use those cod fillets? Check out the ease of this Bacon Wrapped Cod. Simple and delicious.
Course Appetizer, Main Course
Cuisine American
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 26 minutes
Total Time 31 minutes
Servings 4
Calories 171kcal
Author Paul & Taryn


  • 4 oz cod
  • 5 oz bacon


  • Preheat smoker to 225.
  • Cut the cod into 8-10 ½ ounce cubes.
  • Wrap each with half a strip of bacon and secure with a toothpick.
  • Season with pepper.
  • Smoke for 20 minutes.
  • Preheat grill to high heat. Turn off one burner.
  • Transfer the cod to the grill above the burner that is off.
  • Grill for 6-8 minutes to crisp the bacon. Alternatively, you can roast it in a hot oven to crisp the bacon..


Calories: 171kcal | Carbohydrates: 0.5g | Protein: 9.5g | Fat: 14.3g | Saturated Fat: 4.8g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 2.4g | Monounsaturated Fat: 6.2g | Trans Fat: 0.05g | Cholesterol: 35.6mg | Sodium: 249.9mg | Potassium: 187.2mg | Vitamin A: 24.5IU | Vitamin C: 0.3mg | Calcium: 6.3mg | Iron: 0.3mg

The post Bacon Wrapped Cod appeared first on A Grill for All Seasons.


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Article Categories:
Food, Cooking + Recipes

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