Jun 5, 2023

Bacardi Pina Colada

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Are you craving a tropical drink? This Bacardi Pina Colada Recipe is calling your name. Make a Classic Frozen Piña Colada with Bacardi rum. The pineapple flavor paired with Bacardi superior rum creates a high quality cocktail that everyone will love. You can make a delicious cocktail full of truly tropical taste right at home.

two tall glass of bacardi pina colada

I used to think that making a pina colada cocktail was hard, but now I know that it’s no longer the case. The good news is that since we’ve created one, we’re excited to make all the other different flavors. Anytime we can explore and make a unique cocktail, we’re super excited to make it happen – because life’s too short to settle for a cocktail that isn’t made with real ingredients that are delicious and refreshing.

​While I still don’t consider myself a bartender of sorts, I do love that I can make anything from a classic piña colada to this unique pina colada cocktail and loads of drink recipes in between. My favorite part of making this Bacardi pina colada is the fresh pineapple taste that it gives. It’s really a nice sweet flavoring that so many people overlook.

Because of the sweetness and natural flavors from the pineapple, I don’t even have to add in any extra cane sugar or syrups. Crazy, right?

Be sure to check out my Malibu Rum Punch for a party favorite recipe.

hand holding glass of bacardi pina colada cocktail


Pineapple juice – You can buy this from the store – which is what we do to save time and energy.

Bacardi rum – This is the best kind of rum for this cocktail. You can use any type of rum or brand of rum that you enjoy but we did use bacardí superior rum.

Pineapple chunks – This is for garnish. If you can get a fresh pineapple that is ripe to use, this would add the most flavor. Otherwise, canned pineapple works just fine.

Coconut cream – For flavor. Cream of coconut is normally naturally sweetened with sugar without artificial sweeteners.

Ice cubes – Ice cubes are needed to keep the drink cold and refreshing!

Whipped cream (optional) – For adding as a garnish on the top.

ingredients for cocktail

How to Make a Bacardi Pina Colada

Step One: Add all of the ingredients into the blender and blend until smooth.

ingredients in blender

Step Two: Pour into your favorite cocktail glass – and enjoy!

creamy liquid being poured from blender into glass


Add lime juice – Using a citrus addition is a simple way to cut the sweetness while also adding a pop of flavor. Squeezing in a bit of lime juice or lemon juice can easily accomplish that.

Add sweet coconut water – Another fun option to make this drink different is to add coconut water. You can pour in a tad bit to cut down on some of the rum, or even freeze the coconut water into ice cubes to add to the drink.

Use flavored spiced rum – Check the aisles at the store and see what options there are for flavored rums. There are a lot of specific items for sale that can add fun flavors to this drink. Gold rum is another option.

two tall glass of bacardi pina colada

Common Questions

Is piña colada a strong drink?

It can be. Since the main alcohol used in it is white rum, it will more than likely have a higher alcohol content than other types of drinks. It will be stronger than beer or wine, so be sure that you are drinking responsibility. Cocktails that are delicious to drink are also easy to drink, which means that you often don’t know how much it has affected you until you try to stand up. Then, it hits you, and you know that it was maybe stronger than you thought it was!

Is white or dark rum better for piña colada?

Typically, this drink is made using white rum, but a dark rum would work as well. Darker rum tends to have a heavily spiced flavoring, so keep that in mind if you’re thinking about making a switch. Also, the darker coloring of the rum will cause the drink to have a darker coloring overall as well, which might not look as pleasantly pleasing if you’re going for a light and refreshing look and vibe.

Can you use vodka instead of rum in a piña colada?

You can. Vodka can be a good substitute for this cocktail if you don’t want to use rum. I would recommend that you make a small sampling first to make sure that you like the flavor and taste. If it’s a hit, you can then make a batch and enjoy!

Can I prep this cocktail ahead of time?

For the best flavor and taste, this simple cocktail recipe needs to be enjoyed fresh. That way, it’s not watered down – because if you add ice cubes to the glass, that will happen.

two tall glass of bacardi pina colada with whipped cream and straws

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two tall glass of bacardi pina colada with whipped cream and straws


Bacardi Pina Colada

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Are you craving a tropical drink? This Bacardi Pina Colada Recipe is calling your name. Make a Classic Frozen Piña Colada with Bacardi rum.
Course Drinks
Cuisine American
Prep Time 2 minutes
Total Time 2 minutes
Servings 2
Calories 220.3kcal
Author Paul & Taryn


  • Blender


  • 4 oz pineapple juice
  • 3 oz Bacardi rum
  • ¼ cup pineapple chunks
  • 3 tablespoon coconut cream
  • 2 cups ice cubes


  • Combine all ingredients in a blender.
  • Blend until smooth.


Calories: 220.3kcal | Carbohydrates: 13.4g | Protein: 1.2g | Fat: 7.9g | Saturated Fat: 6.9g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 0.3g | Sodium: 14.6mg | Potassium: 184.4mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 9.9g | Vitamin A: 17.6IU | Vitamin C: 9.1mg | Calcium: 21.7mg | Iron: 0.8mg

The post Bacardi Pina Colada appeared first on A Grill for All Seasons.


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Article Categories:
Food, Cooking + Recipes

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